Coffee Mugs for Dad: The Supreme Buying Guide


Eric Sharp

Eric Sharp Healthy Dad Hacks bio photo

Modified last on

Jan 29, 2025

Does your Dad need another coffee mug? Probably not. But, they're still an awesome gift. Here's the supreme buying guide, listing out the best of the best coffee mugs for Dad. Find one that's funny, inspirational, unique, heat-changing, personalized, & more! Let's get sippin'.

Coffee Mugs for Dad Buying Guide Ideas


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Every dad drinks coffee.

And if he doesn’t, that’s a shame — I’m sorry your childhood or marriage was/is void of coffee smells and jokes.

Maybe convince him to drink bourbon from one of the awesome dad mugs below, instead?

Me drinking coffee out of a paper cup
Even hip hats won’t save Dad’s coolness if he drinks coffee out of disposable cups!

Why get a coffee mug for Dad?

Chances are your Dad doesn’t need another coffee mug to add to his collection. I’m betting his cabinet is full, and honestly probably needs a serious purge.

However, ALL dads appreciate corny, funny, and sentimental gifts — even if means stacking mugs or tossing less meaningful ones. I’m a dad, and I can confirm this is true.

Dad and kids conversation about buying a coffee mug
Coffee talk with Dad brings the best jokes

That’s why a coffee mug is an AWESOME gift idea for Father’s Day, birthday, Christmas, or even President’s Day (j/k, but that’d be funny AF). Still not convinced? Below are 5 reasons to go all-in with buying a coffee mug.

Reasons to buy Dad a coffee mug

Need more convincing? Here are more compelling reasons to buy your Dad (or baby Daddy) a new coffee mug.

Reasons to buy Dad a coffee mug

5 Reasons to buy Dad a coffee mug:

  1. With every sip, he’ll think of you.
  2. A funny mug will make him laugh — unlike that sushi-making kit you got him last Christmas.
  3. It’s almost guaranteed he’ll actually use it — points for practicality!
  4. It’ll force him to purge old, more suckier, coffee mugs.
  5. Could become a family heirloom (depending on frequency of use & awesomeness)

Alright, you’re convinced. I know you are. Time to help you decide on which coffee mug works best for Dad. Choosing the right coffee mug depends on Dad’s vibe.

Let’s get sippin’ here and showcase some possible mugs for under $25.

Types of coffee mugs for Dad

Every dad has his own unique style and personality, so let’s talk about the various coffee mug options you have.

Do you go for the laugh? Attempt to inspire? Go BIG? Showcase your knack for creativity with one of those slick heat-changing mugs? Or better yet, personalize it for the special occasion. So many options.

Here are 11 types of coffee mugs for Dads to choose from:

  1. Funny. Want to elicit Dad’s belly laugh?
  2. Dad Jokes. Also funny, but in a corny-Dad-sorta-way.
  3. Cool & Unique. No laughs, just the cool or unique factor?
  4. Best Dad Ever. Simple and classic.
  5. World’s Best. Also, simple and classic.
  6. Heat changing. These mugs are creative and fun!
  7. Big. 20+ oz. of caffeine — go big or go home.
  8. Witty. For the scholarly Dad.
  9. Inspirational. Dad need a pick-me-up along with his caffeine?
  10. Personalized. Warning: may initiate a tear or two.
  11. Competitive. More fuel for that fiery Dad!
  12. Temperature-controlled. For the high-tech, fancy man.

Also, one more thing. Healthy dads love clean water, especially for their coffee. Don’t miss my review of the Epic Water Filter — it removes 2,000% contaminants than the leading water filter pitcher.

OK, let’s now check out some funny coffee mugs for Dad first!

Funny mugs

Looking for funny coffee mugs for Dad? These will guarantee a serious chuckle and have the fam laughing (at him, not you). Here are some funny coffee mugs for Dad:

Dad Jokes mugs

Also funny (depending on who you ask), but a very popular coffee mug for dads. Nothing beats a good dad joke, so why not encourage more? Also, don’t miss our awesome listing of dad joke books!

Here are some dad joke inspired coffee mugs:

Cool & Unique mugs

These coffee mugs aren’t necessarily super funny or witty, nor inspirational. But, they’ll get a smile from Dad and help him feel awesome while sipping, no doubt. Here are some cool and unique coffee mugs for Dad:

“Best Dad Ever” mugs

I think the classic “Best Dad Ever” mugs are just OK. You see them EVERYWHERE, but sometimes you just need to stick with a classic. If that’s you, hey, no judgment here! Here are some best dad ever coffee mugs:

“World’s Best Dad” mugs

Is your Dad not the best ever, but holds the title for world’s best Dad? If so, these mugs are for you. However, remember the wise words of this heroic man:

If you’re not first, you’re last.Ricky Bobby

J/k y’all, best ever and world’s best are both honorable and beloved by dads universally. Here are some world’s best dad coffee mugs:

Heat Changing mugs

Coffee mugs that change while Dad pours his hot java are awesomely fun. You can’t go wrong with any of these below. Here are some creative heat changing coffee mugs for Dad:

Big mugs

Go big or go home, they say. If your dad likes huge cups of coffee and the swagger of 20+ ounces, these monster mugs are for him. Here are some BIG coffee mugs for Dad:

Witty mugs

Does your dad prefer wit over slapstick funny? Cool with us. Wittiness takes more effort anyway, right? Speaking of work, I took the work out of finding some mugs with serious wit! Your scholarly Dad will appreciate. Here are some witty coffee mugs for Dad:

Inspirational mugs

Be careful with this one, you don’t want to be too cheesy here. However, you know your Dad best — find one that’ll resonate with him. Maybe he’s in a season of life and could use the extra pick-me-up with his caffeine boost. Here are some inspirational coffee mugs for Dad:

Personalized mugs

When you need that little extra touch, a personalized mug might be just what you need! Who knows, maybe you’ll also get some tears with that thank you. If you have little kids, these will really strike a chord. Here are some personalized coffee mugs for Dad:

Competitive mugs

For those dads who love and thrive in competition! He knows it, you know it, why not remind him of his “All I do is win win win” competitive spirit? Here are some coffee mugs for your competitive Dad:

Temperate-controlled mugs

Looking to spend more than $25? What a lucky guy! These fancy high-tech mugs keep Dad’s coffee at 140 degrees (the best temperate for coffee) and offer real-time temperature indicators. If your dad hates microwaving his cold coffee, buy something fancy. Here are some temperature-controlled coffee mugs for Dad:

Dad’s Final Thoughts

Buying for dads can be tough at times. They can seem like they have everything they want and need. However, coffee mugs will always be a solid choice if you’re looking to spend under $25.

Dads will appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into finding the perfect mug and it’ll force him to purge — something we ALL need to do periodically. If you find the right mug, it won’t matter how many he has in the kitchen cabinet.

Upon receiving he’ll laugh/smile/cry/fist-bump, make room for his new awesome coffee mug, and be excited to fill with his favorite coffee and sip away!

You got this, Dad!

Can you win at Dadhood AND everywhere else in life? I'm just crazy enough to believe we can. With the right knowledge, hacks, habits, and motivation — we can crush it ALL!

healthy dad hacks founder Eric Sharp signature
Eric Sharp and fam Healthy Dad Hacks

About Eric

Eric Sharp is the founder of Healthy Dad Hacks. He married the love of his life (Sarah) and proud Dad of a blended family (Hazel, Roman, & Dean). When not thinking about being a better Dad, he enjoys; CrossFit, entrepreneurship, eating carnivore, collecting Michael Jordan sports cards, music, and fancy sneakers.

[Picture: Turkey Trot 2021]

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